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17.9 million international tourists set to pour into Spain in Q2

Yet more eyes are set to fall upon Marbella and the range of property for sale on the Golden Mile and in other parts of the city, at least if various newly-released figures are to be believed. Spain has been receiving more visitors from across the world than ever in recent times, with more than 17.9 million people set to visit the country from other countries in the second quarter of this year.

That is according to the Coyuntur report for the first quarter of 2015, as prepared by the Spanish Ministry of Industry, Energy and Tourism. It is also anticipated that some €16,279 million will be spent by these tourists in the same three-month period, which is 8.5% higher than the expenditure figure for last year’s second quarter.

The report suggested that the pound’s strength would keep plenty of people coming to Spain from the United Kingdom, alongside rises in the number of visitors from Switzerland, Germany, Belgium and Holland. Such figures may mean plenty of competition for those paying a visit to Marbella who are contemplating making their stay permanent by investing in property for sale on the Golden Mile.

These upbeat predictions for the performance of the Spanish tourism sector in the months to come were backed up by the revision of growth forecasts by Exceltur (Alliance for Excellency in Tourism), the non-profit group formed by the Chairmen of 22 of Spain’s leading tourism firms.

According to El Economista, Exceltur is now tipping the Spanish tourism industry to grow by 3.4% in 2015, a 0.8% increase on what had been estimated in early January. This would follow the 2.9% growth that was recorded over the course of last year, and which generated around €49,000 million in foreign currency for the nation’s economy.

The latest increase expected for 2015 could mean that about €51,000 million is spent by foreign visitors to Spain this year, thanks to a recovering domestic tourism sector and greater numbers of international visitors.

The shop window for property for sale on the Golden Mile and throughout other parts of Marbella is becoming visible for more and more people, so for those looking to snap up the best Spanish villas, apartments and town houses before other potential buyers beat them to it, now might be the time to make a move.

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